Today matches

The date of the Argentina and Chile match on 03-06-2021 World Cup Qualifiers: South America
The date of the Belgium and Greece match is on 03-06-2021, a friendly match
The date for the France and Wales match is on 02-06-2021, a friendly match
The date for the Germany and Denmark match is on 06-02-2021, a friendly match
The date for the England and Austria match is on 02-06-2021, a friendly match
The date for the Manchester United and Villarreal match is on 26-05-2021 in the European League
The date of the match between Brest and Paris Saint-Germain on May 23-2021, the French League
The date for the Paris Saint-Germain-Monaco match on May 19-2021, the French Cup
The date for the Paris Saint-Germain and Reims match is on May 16-2021, the French League
The date for the match between Montpellier and Paris Saint-Germain on 12-05-2021, the French Cup
The date of the match between Rennes and Paris Saint-Germain on 09-05-2021, the French League
The date for the Arsenal and Villarreal match is on 06-05-2021 in the European League
The date for the match between Roma and Manchester United is on 06-05-2021 in the European League
The date for the Paris Saint-Germain and Lance match is on 01-05-2021, the French League