Today matches

The date for the match between Villarreal and Arsenal is on April 29-2021, the European League
The date for the Manchester United and Rome match will be on April 29-2021, the European League
The date of the match between Metz and Paris Saint-Germain on April 24-2021, the French League
The date of Paris Saint-Germain and Angers on 20-04-2021, the French Cup
The date for Paris, the match between Saint-Germain and Saint Etienne, on April 18-2021, the French League
The date of the match between Roma and Ajax Amsterdam is on April 15-2021 in the European League
The date for the match between Slavia Praha and Arsenal is on 04-15-2021 in the European League
The date for the Manchester and Granada match is on April 15-2021, the European League
The date for the Strasbourg and Paris Saint-Germain match on April 10-2021, the French League
The date of the match between Ajax Amsterdam and Rome 4-8-2021 in the European League
date match Arsenal Slavia Prague 04-08-2021 Ligue Européenne
La date du match Granada and Manchester United 04-08-2021 Ligue européenne
The date of the match between Lyon and Paris Saint-Germain on March 21-2021, the French League
The date for the Milan and Manchester match is on March 18-2021, the European League
The date for the Shakhtar Donetsk-Rome match is on March 18-2021 in the European League